November 2018

Latest updates about Akamas: The 5 questions you are too hesitant to ask

Akamas is a word which, unfortunately, has been synonymous with dispute in public discourse, for at least the last decade. The impression is often given that Akamas is an issue that remains seemingly inactive, but which every couple of months returns and sweeps the Press and Media, communicating many different messages, before it is put back to rest until the next outburst.

Latest updates about Akamas: The 5 questions you are too hesitant to ask Read More »

Red List update for birds: two iconic species saved from extinction by conservation action

Targeted conservation action continues to yield positive results, with two of the world’s rarest and most threatened bird species, Northern Bald Ibis and Pink Pigeon, the latest to recover from the brink of extinction thanks to direct intervention. The Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita was once a widespread bird that was idolised across North Africa, the Middle

Red List update for birds: two iconic species saved from extinction by conservation action Read More »

‘My Cape Greco Mandala’ book launch: Rediscovering Cape Greco through colouring in

Cape Greco is an area of stunning natural richness and beauty. Introducing its wonders to children and adults became the focal point of a collaboration between BirdLife Cyprus and Melissa Hekkers, the creator behind the popular mandala colouring book series.  The result… A third mandala book in the series, ‘My Cape Greco Mandala’ Colouring Book.

‘My Cape Greco Mandala’ book launch: Rediscovering Cape Greco through colouring in Read More »

Little money for habitats from the Game and Fauna Service

​Game and Fauna Service Audit reveals spending on captive breeding of game birds far outstrips spending on habitat management. A recent report by the Auditor General, looking into the Game and Fauna Service revealed that, in 2015, the Game and Fauna Service spent 5 times more money on captive breeding of Chukar Partridges to be

Little money for habitats from the Game and Fauna Service Read More »

BirdLife Marine Task Force discusses European Marine Strategy

BirdLife Partners from Europe gathered in a two day meeting in Athens, organized by BirdLife International and the Hellenic Ornithological Society, to discuss the amendment of the European Marine Strategy (EMS). This was the first time BirdLife Cyprus was represented at Marine Task Force meetings, where our contribution and work delivery was congratulated. It was

BirdLife Marine Task Force discusses European Marine Strategy Read More »

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