- Reports & Publications
BirdLife Cyprus has been involved in a number of book publications about the birds of Cyprus. As part of the Important Bird Areas (IBA) project BirdLife Cyprus has published the “Important Bird Areas of Cyprus” book which you can find here. “The Birds of Greece, Cyprus and Europe” is a joint publication between BirdLife Cyprus and HOS / BirdLife in Greece of the Collins Bird Guide, which has been translated in Greek. It is available for sale here.
BirdLife Cyprus has also been involved in a number of educational publications, such as storybooks, activity books and bird guides for children. Learn more here.
Ornithological Publications
BirdLife Cyprus’ ornithological publications, sharing sightings and news of ornithological interest. These include the Monthly Checklist, the Annual Checklist and the Annual Bird Report.
The Monthly Checklist
The monthly checklist is a monthly digital publication issued end of each month and sent to BirdLife Cyprus members. It includes a systematic list of species seen for the month passed, compiled from records received by our members, volunteers and other keen birders. Please click here to view the monthly checklists of the past three years.
The Annual Checklist
The Annual Checklist is a quick reference guide to all bird species found in Cyprus with a table of monthly sightings for the year passed and yearly occurrences for the previous two years. BirdLife Cyprus members receive it for free and is available for sale to non-members.
The Annual Bird Report
Annual Activity Reports
BirdLife Cyprus publishes every year its annual report of activities through its website. Find out more about our activities through our Annual Report and get inspired by the many things our members and supporters help us achieve.
Reports on Illegal Bird Trapping
The campaign against illegal bird trapping is one of the key activities of BirdLife Cyprus. A systematic, continuous surveillance programme regarding illegal bird trapping in Cyprus was developed and implemented by BirdLife Cyprus and the RSPB (BirdLife in the UK) in consultation with the competent authorities, and has been ongoing since 2002. Thanks to this monitoring programme, BirdLife Cyprus has the longest record of field data and is able to deduce reliable long term trends and have an overview of the bird trapping situation.