

BirdLife Cyprus is always seeking more volunteers for its long-term monitoring programmes. The Common Birds Monitoring Scheme (CBMS) requires two mornings (or more if you like) per year during the breeding season, between March and June, walking a 1km transect near your home.

The Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Cyprus requires visiting particular sites and recording birds there, also during the breeding season. The Waterbird Counts require counts at one or more selected wetland sites in at least five key months per year, January, March, May, September and November.

These projects require good birdwatching skills and a few hours field work per month, or even per year. We have a small but dedicated core of volunteers who already contribute to this work. If you would like to join them, we’d be delighted to hear from you.

If you are interested in becoming part of our team of monitoring volunteers, please contact BirdLife Cyprus’ Monitoring and Research Coordinator Christina Ieronymidou on +357 22 455 072 or at christina.ieronymidou@birdlifecyprus.org.cy or fill in the form below. 

Volunteering opportunities

Join us in making a difference. We need passionate volunteers to support our mission. Please fill in the form below, and we will contact you when opportunities arise.

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