Did you submit your drawing for our ‘153 birds’ drawing competition?

Stork on dry hay bale on green meadow. Animal bird photography
Stork on dry hay bale on green meadow. Animal bird photography
Only 17 days left to submit your drawing and enter our ‘153 birds’ drawing competition! The competition is open to everyone and we look forward to receiving drawings from young and old from all over Cyprus and abroad! The lucky winners will also be awarded prizes, in two categories: children and teens (up to 17 years old) and adults (over 18 years old). In addition, an exhibition will take place in autumn with selected drawings.

To enter the competition you must draw one of the many different bird species presented in our  info pack (you can draw many birds of the same species in one submission, but not more than one species in the same submission). The photos in the info pack are accompanied by information on each of the species, such as size, differences between male and female, what time of year they can be found in Cyprus and an interesting fact. If you are having difficulties choosing only one bird species, you can submit as many drawings as you like with different species.

One of the species presented, is the Starling Sturnus vulgaris. Did you know that in the winter before dusk Starlings fly around in large flocks exhibiting amazing aerial displays, called murmurations? You can enjoy these aerial displays in this video:

Have you wondered what a Starling looks like up close? You can study and draw it to enter the competition!

A big thank you to everyone who has already submitted drawings!
Drawing submission deadline: 17 June 2016

  • For the rules and regulations and information on the awards, please click here.
  • For the submission form for children and teens, please click here.
  • For the submission form for adults, please click here.
  • For the info pack with the photographs of birds and information on each of the species presented, please click here. All the information about the campaign and drawing competition is available here: https://153birds.wordpress.com/


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