Help birds and wildlife

Help birds and wildlife

If you want to help the birds and wildlife of your garden, there are a lot of simple and easy things that you can try at home to offer a helping hand to wildlife: putting out some food, water, or putting up a nest box are some examples. Why not have a go at trying out the following activities?

swallows, bird's nest, animal

What should we do to protect bird nests?

Every spring, birds devote a huge amount of time and energy looking after their eggs and chicks. If you want to give them a helping hand, here are some simple ...
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Make your own nestbox

Make your own nestbox for garden birds such as great tits and house sparrows.
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How to make a bird bath

With summer here and temperatures on the rise, who isn’t looking for ways to cool themselves down? Flocking to (or even daydreaming of) swimming pools and the beach, with a ...
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