Now is that great time in the year when Cyprus is still hosting some striking winter visitor birds, while also welcoming the first of the spring migrants, forerunners of the wonderful bonanza to come.
This year, with the bounty of welcome winter rains, wetlands are full and the countryside is green and lush. What more invitation could a birdwatcher, young or old, experienced or not, possibly need to get out there…?
We have selected a few pictures of winter and early spring visitors to celebrate this great juncture in the birding year. While there are many local photographers we could have asked for images, we decided it was fitting to feature those snapped by Raija Howard as she combs the island’s birding spots with her hubby Keith. Fitting because Keith & Raija are migrant visitors themselves, recently arrived from further North to meet the birds as they arrive from further South. It has a certain ‘symmetry’ we find pleasing!
As ever, BirdLife Cyprus has a series of field trips and events lined up for this spring. Check out our website for news of these opportunities to enjoy spring birds with us!
Black Redstart Bluethroat Song Thrush Wryneck