Interactive educational workshop for children with Marina Katsari

Marina Katsari_450_850_crp
BirdLife Cyprus is organizing an interactive educational workshop for children ages 5-12, as part of its ‘153 birds’ campaign. The workshop will take place on Saturday, 17 December 2016, 10:00 – 11:30, at Myloi Cultural Centre in Kaimakli, Nicosia.

Storyteller and drama practitioner Marina Katsari will tell us stories about feathered heroes who are travelling around the world and invite us to new adventures and to a journey of self-exploration. Through the allegorical narrative of storytelling, children will discover the magical world of birds and learn about their migratory journey, while acknowledging feelings and basic life values and discovering elements that define our personality. Incorporating the art of storytelling in educational drama and through the creative arts, Marina will bring characters to life and take children on a journey to imaginary worlds.

The educational workshop is being organized as part of the ‘153 birds’ campaign which began last April with the launch of a drawing competition during which we received more than 300 drawings of birds from children and adults. The campaign is now being concluded with a drawing and photography exhibition, which is open to the public until 16 December 2016 at Myloi Cultural Centre in Kaimakli. Participating children will have the opportunity to go on a journey through the art of storytelling with Marina Katsari and at the same time learn more about the rich avifauna of Cyprus and enjoy many of the drawings that are exhibited at the venue.

Marina Katsari studied Pre-school Education at the University of Cyprus and did postgraduate studies in Drama and Theatre in Education at Warwick University, England. She worked as a lecturer at the University of Cyprus and at the European University of Cyprus, in pre-school education in the public and private sector, and as a drama practitioner in various educational settings in Cyprus and the UK.

Venue: Myloi Cultural Center, Kaimakli, Nicosia
Date: Saturday, 17 December 2016, 10:00 – 11:30

Please note that the workshop will be conducted in Greek and is free of charge. Due to limited availability, please book by 15 December 2016 on 22455072 or at  

Funding for this project is from the Champions of the Flyway Bird Race, organized jointly by BirdLife International and SPNI (BirdLife in Israel).

For the press release in PDF format please click here.


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