The photographs speak for themselves. Illegal killing of dozens of Bee-eaters near Larnaca Salt Lake.
This horrible crime against wildlife was committed near Lake Soros last Saturday. Dozens of Bee-eaters, plus many other protected species, such as Barn Swallows, shot from the sky.
The specific area is unfortunately a notorious ‘black spot’ for illegal bird killing. Incidents such as this one have been reported numerous times in the past, but continue nonetheless. The fact that some people have been allowed to get away with killing protected birds for years in this area reveals the serious shortcomings in the enforcement of the law.
Saturday’s incident was immediately reported to the competent authorities and the dead birds were handed over to the Game and Fauna Service.
UPDATE: Following BirdLife Cyprus’ announcement on social media and in the press, which received a huge response, there was a public outcry condemning this incident. BirdLife Cyprus gave numerous interviews on radio and TV regarding the incident, thus putting more pressure on the authorities to take a hold of the situation. Unfortunately, the days that followed more illegal bird killing took place in the area, as confirmed by BirdLife Cyprus field officers in follow-up visits and as reported by CABS. BirdLife Cyprus remains committed to keep putting pressure and ensure that the law is properly enforced to make such horrific incidents a thing of the past.