Your voice matters: tell the EU Commission what nature restoration across the EU should look like


Nature as we know it is heading towards extinction. And it’s because of human activity. Logging, intensive agriculture and overfishing have pushed one million animal and plant species to the point where they’re hanging by a thread.

The European Commission will propose a new law to make nature restoration legally binding for EU countries. But as it stands, there is no definition of what this will actually mean. Right now, the Commission is asking the public to give their opinion on what nature restoration across the EU should look like, and you have till 5 April 2021 to make your voice heard.

The more people respond, the more likely we are to get a good law that can help reverse the fate of nature in Europe, and beyond. With your help, we can start giving land, sea and water back to nature.

Oroklini Lake, before and after restoration

BirdLife Europe, the European Environmental Bureau and WWF European Policy Office have launched #RestoreNature – a campaign demanding nature be properly restored across Europe. We have put together a very simple message, which you can help us pass on to the European Commission: Only through meaningful, transformative change at land and sea can we bring back the biodiversity we desperately need. It will help us to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis, and prevent the future spread of diseases.

This is about the survival of our precious wetlands, peatlands, grasslands, forests, rivers, and oceans. But it is also about our climate, our health, and the survival of humankind. Protecting what is left is necessary but is not enough. We also need to bring nature back. We must #RestoreNature now. Our survival depends on it.

Sign the petition here and we’ll send the message to the European Commission on your behalf.


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