Birds A-Z

Great Tit

Parus major aphrodite


Bram Vogels, Xeno-canto


Key information: The Great Tit is one of the most common birds of Cyprus. It can be found in forests, scrub vegetation, farmland with trees as well as in cities and villages. The male has a thicker central band than the female. It nests in holes in trees or walls and placing a nest box in your garden will most likely attract a pair. It has many different calls, each one with a purpose.

Length: 13 – 15,5 cm

Habitat: Towns and villages, farmland, scrub and bushes, mountains and forests

When they can be seen: All year round

What they eat: Invertebrates, seeds

In Cyprus: Can be seen all over Cyprus

Status: Resident breeder

Illustration by Paschalis Dougalis

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