Key information: The Little Owl can be seen more easily than any other owl species in Cyprus, as it is active during the day too, especially at dawn and dusk. It has distinctive yellow eyes and white brows. It can often be seen sitting completely still on prominent spots like branches, poles or rocks. If it’s alarmed, it starts moving its body up and down. It has a very characteristic sharp call ‘kee-ew’ that it repeats often.
Length: 23 – 27 cm | Wingspan: 50 – 57 cm
Habitat: Farmland, scrub and bushes, towns and villages
When they can be seen: All year round
What they eat: Invertebrates, reptiles, small mammals
In Cyprus: Can be seen all over the island, in fields and farmland areas
Status: Resident breeder
Illustration by Paschalis Dougalis