Key information: The Peregrine Falcon is a very powerful falcon with a stocky build. It has a very distinctive broad black line at the side of its head, which looks like a moustache. In flight, it can be told apart by its broad, pointed wings and its short tail. It usually flies in level flight, but when it dives, it can reach great speeds. As with many other birds of prey, the female is larger than the male. It is the fastest bird in the world.
Length: 38 – 51 cm | Wingspan: 89 – 113 cm
Habitat: Coastal areas, mountains and forests
When they can be seen: All year round
What they eat: Small and medium-sized birds
In Cyprus: Can be seen in areas with cliffs such as Akamas Peninsula, Chanoutaris Cliffs, Episkopi Cliffs and Pentadaktylos Mountains
Status: Resident breeder
Illustration by Paschalis Dougalis