EU Commission calls Cyprus to task for failing to protect nature
The European Commission’s infringement procedures against Cyprus echo the longstanding positions and
The European Commission’s infringement procedures against Cyprus echo the longstanding positions and
Poaching, illegal bird trapping, violation of environmental and social justice. These are
In Cyprus, there are 63 areas belonging to the Natura 2000 network. The
Cyprus, as a migration corridor for hundreds of thousands of birds of
Eight men were handed fines of up to 2500 Euros and four
On 19 June the EU environment ministers committed to better implementation of
After repeated postponements, the highly controversial law amendment ‘The Protection and Management of
After repeated postponements, the highly controversial hunting law amendment is expected to
Nesting during this season in the scrub and cliffs of Cape Greco
Sounding the alarm for possible referral of Cyprus to the EU court
European Commission confirms EU nature protection laws will be saved after record-breaking
European Commission confirms EU nature protection laws will be saved after record-breaking
Following the first discussion held at the Environment Committee of the Cyprus
BirdLife Cyprus expressed its serious concerns and opposition to the law amendment
On 16 June 2016, the European Commission announced the start of an
The consultation on the new proposed EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) legislation is
BirdLife Cyprus welcomes the recent report by the Commissioner of Administration and
‘From Nature Alert to Action’ by BirdLife Europe and its Partners show
BirdLife Cyprus is organizing a workshop for IBA Caretakers on the weekend
On 2 February 2016, MEPs overwhelmingly approved a report prepared by the Environment, Public
The EU Commission has given its final and categorical opinion regarding the