EU Commission calls Cyprus to task for failing to protect nature
The European Commission’s infringement procedures against Cyprus echo the longstanding positions and
The European Commission’s infringement procedures against Cyprus echo the longstanding positions and
A report on the state of implementation of the EU Nature Directives
On 19 June the EU environment ministers committed to better implementation of
On 27 April the European Commission published its “Action Plan for Nature,
The laws that protect Nature in Europe – the Nature Directives –
On 16 June 2016, the European Commission announced the start of an
The European Commission was supposed to present the results of its “fitness
In the coming weeks, the European Commission is expected to publish its
‘From Nature Alert to Action’ by BirdLife Europe and its Partners show
On 2 February 2016, MEPs overwhelmingly approved a report prepared by the Environment, Public
Illegal killing of migratory birds is a widespread problem across the Mediterranean.