3rd European Workshop on Environmental Crime: Habitat Destruction

Bird booth hung on a tree. Spring home for nesting birds
Bird booth hung on a tree. Spring home for nesting birds

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BirdLife Cyprus participated at the 3rd European Workshop on Environmental Crime, organised by SEO (BirdLife in Spain) and RSPB (BirdLife in the UK) on 26 February 2016 in Edinburgh, UK. The workshop focused on Habitat Destruction. SEO (BirdLife in Spain) and RSPB (BirdLife in the UK) are implementing a project to create a European Network against Environmental Crime among BirdLife Europe partners. The aim of this project is the implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC for the protection of the environment through criminal law and also the facilitation of the work of EU BirdLife Partners in fighting environmental crimes, using the Directive.

The workshop focused on the issue of habitat destruction, which is the subject of article 3h of the Directive (2008/99/EC). Participants at the workshop were asked to identify main barriers and common challenges to enhancing enforcement against illegal activities, which cause significant deterioration in protected areas. Furthermore, the participants examined the role of NGOs and civil society, as well as solutions, best practises and sanctions and penalties.

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