Beach parties and those who pay the price for them

Kentish Plover chick by Spyros Spyrou_450_850_crp
BirdLife Cyprus expresses deep concerns about a concert scheduled to take place without any environmental permit on 23 June at Lady’s Mile and which will have impact on vulnerable bird species for which the area is protected.

In the summer, beaches like Lady’s Mile are a popular destination for bathing, dining or even events. But what may seem to many like an everyday or innocent use of the beach can be harmful to the wildlife of the area.

On 23 June, a concert with Greek performers is planned to take place without an environmental permit at Captain’s Cabin at Lady’s Mile. Lady’s Mile is located within the protected area of ​​Akrotiri Peninsula, one of the most important areas for biodiversity in Cyprus. Events falling within or near protected areas can only be carried out after a permit has been obtained, which is issued after an assessment is carried out and which shows that there will be no significant impact on the valuable and often vulnerable wildlife of the area. Despite BirdLife Cyprus’ pleas to the organizers, the latter are going ahead with the concert, without having obtained the required environmental permit.

The concert at Lady’s Mile, which is almost sold out, will have an impact on the Kentish Plover, a small and vulnerable shorebird that is currently nesting there. ​​Lady’s Mile is one of the most important breeding areas for Kentish Plovers. Their nests are located on the ground near the water and are completely exposed and almost invisible to the eye. These small and sensitive birds are particularly vulnerable to disturbances and are already suffering a lot because of the degraded state that this natural area currently is in.

Lady’s Mile already suffers greatly from misuse (high number of visitors leads to increased vehicle flow and disturbance, vehicles entering the salt lake, illegal extension of parking areas, illegal parking of trailers). A concert such as this will add another blow to this valuable but degraded habitat. BirdLife Cyprus calls on the organizers to respect the wildlife of the area and move the event to an alternative venue located in a non-environmentally sensitive area. Wildlife has a right to the beach also, and not for recreation, but for survival.

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