Development plans in Akamas get green light by Department of Environment


Κοινοποίηση μέσω:

The first days of 2017 saw two more positive opinions given for projects that are planned to materialize inside or near the SPA (Special Protection Area) and SCI (Site of Community Interest) of Akamas peninsula by the Department of Environment.

These two positive opinions are related to the expansion of the quarry within the quarry zone of Androlikou, just 10 meters away from the SPA and SCI area, and the construction and operation of a camping site in the Baths of Aphrodite area in Neo Chorio, within the SPA and SCI. These positive opinions follow the positive opinion on the unified development in the Ayiovouni area in the municipality of Pegeia, which was issued on November 2016. Furthermore, the procedure regarding the drawing up of the Local Plan for Akamas will begin in February, something which should have already been put into place before considering any project for licensing.

BirdLife Cyprus wants to express its regret and opposition to the licenses given to all the above mentioned developments and also to any other development plans within and the periphery of the protected area of Akamas. We strongly believe that any license of projects within the protected area should be considered, only if:

  1. The procedure for objections is completed and the boundaries of the SCI of the Akamas Peninsula are redefined
  2. Management Plans for SCI and SPA are approved and published, and
  3. A decree for the area is issued

BirdLife Cyprus will communicate the issue to all relevant authorities and take all necessary actions, until all the above mentioned requirements are met the soonest possible and the unregulated situation that exists today has ended.

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