Spring survey season in full swing

BirdLife Cyprus volunteers are out and about with their binoculars and clip-boards, recording birds across the island as our breeding season programmes of systematic monitoring get into full swing. In all, some 30 volunteer bird recorders – including some office staff and Shannon O’Grady, a full-time survey volunteer over from the UK – are undertaking surveys for common breeding birds, nocturnal birds and wetland birds. As the season progresses, Roller surveys, Atlas surveys, Calandra Lark and Audouin’s Gull surveys will be added to the effort.

As the map of recent survey coverage shows, we have in recent years, thanks to volunteer effort, achieved very good survey coverage of Cyprus. This puts us in a much more knowledgeable position regarding the status of our birds. Our aim is to maintain this effort by supporting our team of dedicated volunteers and seeking relevant funding, which is currently lacking.

If you are a keen and capable birder and would like to join our team of dedicated volunteer recorders, please get in touch with Research Coordinator Martin Hellicar on martin.hellicar@birdlifecyprus.org.cy

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