Volunteer recorder workshop in Paphos area

Calabria visit_450_850_crp

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On 29 February 2016, just before the start of the spring survey season, volunteers in our bird monitoring programmes got together at Kritou Terra, Paphos, to review progress of our on-going schemes to keep track of the island’s birds.

BirdLife Cyprus Research Coordinator Martin Hellicar presented to – and discussed with – volunteer recorders how data systematically collected in the field has been put to use by BirdLife Cyprus. Plans for monitoring during 2016 were also reviewed.

Over the past 12 months, field data collected under the Common Birds, Nocturnal, Atlas, Waterbird, Migrant raptor and also species-specific surveys has provided the basis for population analyses done with the aim of defining conservation targets for NATURA 2000 sites for birds, as part of a 3-year project to draw up management plans for these key bird sites.

BirdLife Cyprus is grateful to the Kritou Terra Environmental Studies Centre (ESC) for once again providing a venue for our volunteers’ workshop.

If you are a keen and capable birder and would like to join our team of dedicated volunteer recorders, please get in touch with Research Coordinator Martin Hellicar on martin.hellicar@birdlifecyprus.org.cy

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