Song Thrushes become the target of trappers in winter
Now in winter many would be relieved thinking that our migratory birds
Now in winter many would be relieved thinking that our migratory birds
Autumn migration is upon us and it’s exciting! Well, it is indeed
“At long last – but will it last?” If contained enthusiasm was
A striking reduction in bird trapping was achieved in Cyprus in autumn
A paper with title “Illegal killing and taking of birds in Europe outside the
SHOT AND LEFT FOR DEAD: On a windswept hill in Southern Europe, the
Poaching, illegal bird trapping, violation of environmental and social justice. These are
Modern technology has become a vital part of enforcement and competent authorities
Φαντάστηκες ποτέ πώς θα ήταν να πετάς σαν πουλί ή αν θα επιβίωνες
Στα μέσα Αυγούστου, άτομο από την επαρχία Λάρνακας έλαβε πρόστιμο
Cyprus, as a migration corridor for hundreds of thousands of birds of
Μετά από επανειλημμένες αναβολές, ο αμφιλεγόμενος τροποποιητικός
After repeated postponements, the highly controversial hunting law amendment is expected to
With illegal bird trapping in Cyprus on a dramatic rise in the
Cyprus has many beautiful Easter traditions, but the handsome Great Tit pictured
BirdLife International published last month a scientific review on illegal bird killing across the
Illegal killing of migratory birds is a widespread problem across the Mediterranean.